Energie Fitness (Palmers Green) - Southgate

Energie Fitness (Palmers Green) is located in Southgate (N13), and offers Health and Fitness Gym.

AddressBUILDING, PALMERS GREEN LIBRARY, Green Lanes, Southgate, N13 4EY
Car ParkYes
Car Park Capacity10
Management TypeCommercial Management
Management GroupCommercial
Owner TypeCommercial
Owner GroupCommercial
Education PhaseNot applicable


Health and Fitness Gym

AccessibilityPay and Play
Management TypeCommercial Management
Year Built2017
Changing RoomsYes
Date Record Created11th Aug 2017
Date Record Checked15th May 2023

Opening times

Access descriptionPay and Play
Opening time08:00
Closing time18:00
Period open forSunday
Access descriptionPay and Play
Opening time06:00
Closing time21:00
Period open forFriday
Access descriptionPay and Play
Opening time06:00
Closing time22:00
Period open forMonday
Access descriptionPay and Play
Opening time06:00
Closing time22:00
Period open forTuesday
Access descriptionPay and Play
Opening time06:00
Closing time22:00
Period open forWednesday
Access descriptionPay and Play
Opening time06:00
Closing time22:00
Period open forThursday
Access descriptionPay and Play
Opening time07:00
Closing time19:00
Period open forSaturday

Facility specifics

Disabled access

Disabled AccessYes
Finding/Reaching EntranceYes
Disabled Changing FacilitiesYes


Contact TypeEnquiries
Email[email protected]

Disabled access

Disabled access for Energie Fitness (Palmers Green)

Disabled AccessYes
Disabled ParkingYes
Finding/Reaching EntranceYes
Reception AreaYes
Disabled Changing FacilitiesYes
Activity AreasYes
Disabled ToiletsYes
Emergency ExitsYes

Where is Energie Fitness (Palmers Green)?

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Sub Building NameBUILDING
Building Number0
Dependent Thoroughfare
Thoroughfare NameGREEN LANES
Double Dependent Locality
Dependent Locality
PostcodeN13 4EY

Energie Fitness (Palmers Green) on a map

Energie Fitness (Palmers Green) map (N13 4EY) - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)

Energie Fitness (Palmers Green) geodata

Local Authority NameEnfield
Local Authority CodeE09000010
Parliamentary Constituency NameEnfield, Southgate
Parliamentary Constituency CodeE14000692
Region NameLondon
Region CodeE15000007
Ward NamePalmers Green
Ward CodeE05013688
Output Area CodeE00007442

About this data

This data is open data sourced from Active Places Power and licenced under the Active Places Open Data Licence.

Created On11th Aug 2017
Audited On15th May 2023
Checked On15th May 2023