S10 2JF maps, stats, and open data


S10 2JF is located in the Broomhill and Sharrow Vale electoral ward, within the metropolitan district of Sheffield and the English Parliamentary constituency of Sheffield Central. The Sub Integrated Care Board (ICB) Location is NHS South Yorkshire ICB - 03N and the police force is South Yorkshire. This postcode has been in use since January 1980.

S10 2JF maps

S10 2JF map - OS OpenMap – Local (Ordnance Survey)
S10 2JF map - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS OpenMap – Local (Ordnance Survey)
Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)

S10 2JF geodata


Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

Where is S10 2JF?

Postcode DistrictS10

➜ See where S10 is on a map
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S10 2JF Elevation

Elevation or altitude of S10 2JF as distance above sea level:


Elevation is measured from the approximate centre of the postcode, to the nearest point on an OS contour line from OS Terrain 50, which has contour spacing of ten vertical metres.

➜ How high above sea level am I? Find the elevation of your current position using your device's GPS.


WardBroomhill And Sharrow Vale
ConstituencySheffield Central


Nearest bus stops to S10 2JF

Royal Hallamshire Hospital (Beech Hill Road)Broomhill95m
Royal Hallamshire Hospital (Glossop Road)Broomhill109m
Royal Hallamshire Hospital (Glossop Road)Broomhill126m
Glossop Road (Clarkehouse Road)Broomhill184m
Northumberland Road (Whitham Road)Western Bank259m

Nearest underground/metro/tram to S10 2JF

University Of Sheffield (Sheffield Supertram) (Hanover Street)Western Bank669m
Netherthorpe Road (Sheffield Supertram) (Netherthorpe Road)Netherthorpe1,010m
West Street (Sheffield Supertram) (West Street)Sheffield Centre1,083m
City Hall (Sheffield Supertram) (West Street)Sheffield Centre1,414m
Shalesmoor (Sheffield Supertram) (Corner Of Netherthorpe Rd And Shalesmoor)Shalesmoor1,538m

Nearest railway stations to S10 2JF

Sheffield Station2.1km

Source: NaPTAN
Licence: Open Government Licence


10% of English postcodes are less deprived than S10 2JF:

Food Standards Agency

Three nearest food hygiene ratings to S10 2JF (metres)

Royal Hallamshire Hospital (Jessop Wing)
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Boots The Chemist
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
AMT Coffee Ltd
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
Royal Hallamshire Hospital

➜ Get more ratings from the Food Standards Agency

Nearest post box to S10 2JF

 Last Collection 
445 Glossop Road18:0009:30145m
Jessops Wing16:3011:45170m
Glossop Road Post Office17:3010:00286m

S10 2JF ITL and S10 2JF LAU

The below table lists the International Territorial Level (ITL) codes (formerly Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) codes) and Local Administrative Units (LAU) codes for S10 2JF:

ITL 1 CodeName
TLEYorkshire and The Humber
ITL 2 CodeName
TLE3South Yorkshire
ITL 3 CodeName
LAU 1 CodeName

S10 2JF census areas

The below table lists the Census Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), and Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) for S10 2JF:

LSOAE01007866Sheffield 030A
MSOAE02001640Sheffield 030

Nearest postcodes to S10 2JF

S10 2PXGlossop Road143m
S10 2PRGlossop Road144m
S10 2LBClarkehouse Road181m
S10 2TEPalmerston Road187m
S10 2PTGlossop Road191m
S10 2PHCollege Street199m
S10 2UFSevern Court202m
S10 2SGSt Marks Crescent203m
S10 2SBBeech Hill Road208m
S10 2TDShearwood Road211m