RG9 6AT is in a medium flood risk area. The nearest high flood risk area is 3.2km away in RG9 2JN. Map of RG9 6AT, surrounding postcodes, and their flood risks.
Important: We have taken a single point within RG9 6AT using Open Postcode Geo and identified the flood risk area which that point falls within. There maybe other points within the postcode which fall into a different area, and hence have a different risk level.
Flood Risk | Postcode | Distance | Flood Map |
High | RG9 2JN | 3.2km | RG9 2JN flood map |
Low | RG9 3DA | 3.7km | RG9 3DA flood map |
Very Low | SL7 2FG | 9.3km | SL7 2FG flood map |
None | RG9 6AS | 86m | RG9 6AS flood map |
ObjectID | 840099 |
Risk | Medium |
Suitability | County to Town |
Risk for Insurance |
Easting | 473873 |
Northing | 185669 |
Latitude | 51.565068 |
Longitude | -0.935636 |
Place | Distance |
Middle Assendon flood map | 32 m |
Lower Assendon flood map | 1.2 km |
Remenham flood map | 3.5 km |
Greenlands flood map | 3.7 km |
Henley-on-Thames flood map | 3.7 km |
Hambleden flood map | 4.6 km |
Newtown flood map | 4.6 km |
Mill End flood map | 4.7 km |
Aston flood map | 4.8 km |
Pheasant's Hill flood map | 4.9 km |
Source: Open Flood Risk by Postcode
Licence: Open Government Licence