Pool At St Mary's Hospital Paddington - London
Pool At St Mary's Hospital Paddington is located in London (W2), and offers Swimming Pool.
Address | ST MARYS HOSPITAL, Praed Street, London, W2 1PG |
Management Type | School/College/University (in house) |
Management Group | Education |
Owner Type | Higher Education Institutions |
Owner Group | Education |
Education Phase | Not applicable |
Pool At St Mary's Hospital Paddington is also known as:
- Imperial College London Sport And Leisure Facility (Paddington)
Accessibility | Pay and Play |
Management Type | School/College/University (in house) |
Year Built | 1930 |
Year Refurbished | 1995 |
Changing Rooms | Yes |
Year Changing Rooms Refurbished | 2003 |
Date Record Checked | 4th Oct 2022 |
Opening times
Access description | Pay and Play |
Opening time | 08:00 |
Closing time | 11:00 |
Period open for | Monday |
Access description | Pay and Play |
Opening time | 09:00 |
Closing time | 11:00 |
Period open for | Wednesday |
Access description | Pay and Play |
Opening time | 12:00 |
Closing time | 14:00 |
Period open for | Friday |
Access description | Pay and Play |
Opening time | 11:00 |
Closing time | 14:00 |
Period open for | Tuesday |
Access description | Pay and Play |
Opening time | 12:00 |
Closing time | 14:30 |
Period open for | Monday |
Access description | Pay and Play |
Opening time | 15:00 |
Closing time | 19:00 |
Period open for | Tuesday |
Access description | Pay and Play |
Opening time | 12:00 |
Closing time | 15:30 |
Period open for | Wednesday |
Access description | Pay and Play |
Opening time | 12:00 |
Closing time | 14:00 |
Period open for | Thursday |
Access description | Pay and Play |
Opening time | 15:00 |
Closing time | 19:00 |
Period open for | Thursday |
Access description | Pay and Play |
Opening time | 15:00 |
Closing time | 18:00 |
Period open for | Friday |
Facility specifics
Access to Pool Hoist | No |
Area | 180m² |
Diving Boards | No |
Length | 20m |
Maximum Depth | 2.26m |
Minimum Depth | 1.37m |
Movable Floor | No |
Width | 9m |
Disabled access
Disabled Access | Yes |
Finding/Reaching Entrance | Yes |
Reception Area | Yes |
Doorways | Yes |
Disabled Changing Facilities | Yes |
Activity Areas | Yes |
Disabled Toilets | Yes |
Social Areas | Yes |
Emergency Exits | Yes |
Closure Date | 11th Feb 2016 |
Closure Reason | Strategic Review - facility/site not being replaced |
Accessibility | Registered Membership use |
Management Type | School/College/University (in house) |
Year Built | 2011 |
Year Refurbished | 2013 |
Changing Rooms | Yes |
Date Record Checked | 4th Oct 2022 |
Opening times
Access description | Registered Membership use |
Opening time | 06:30 |
Closing time | 21:00 |
Period open for | Monday-Friday |
Access description | Registered Membership use |
Opening time | 07:00 |
Closing time | 21:00 |
Period open for | Weekend |
Facility specifics
Disabled access
Disabled Access | Yes |
Finding/Reaching Entrance | Yes |
Reception Area | Yes |
Doorways | Yes |
Disabled Changing Facilities | Yes |
Activity Areas | Yes |
Disabled Toilets | Yes |
Social Areas | Yes |
Emergency Exits | Yes |
Disabled access
Disabled access for Pool At St Mary's Hospital Paddington
Disabled Access | Yes |
Finding/Reaching Entrance | Yes |
Reception Area | Yes |
Doorways | Yes |
Disabled Changing Facilities | Yes |
Activity Areas | Yes |
Disabled Toilets | Yes |
Social Areas | Yes |
Spectator Areas | Yes |
Emergency Exits | Yes |
Notes | Lift access. |
Where is Pool At St Mary's Hospital Paddington?
Sub Building Name | |
Building Name | ST MARYS HOSPITAL |
Building Number | 0 |
Dependent Thoroughfare | |
Thoroughfare Name | PRAED STREET |
Double Dependent Locality | |
Dependent Locality | |
PostTown | LONDON |
Postcode | W2 1PG |
Pool At St Mary's Hospital Paddington on a map
Pool At St Mary's Hospital Paddington geodata
Easting | 526826 |
Northing | 181364 |
Latitude | 51.516969 |
Longitude | -0.173569 |
Local Authority Name | Westminster |
Local Authority Code | E09000033 |
Parliamentary Constituency Name | Cities of London and Westminster |
Parliamentary Constituency Code | E14000639 |
Region Name | London |
Region Code | E15000007 |
Ward Name | Hyde Park |
Ward Code | E05013796 |
Output Area Code | E00175186 |
About this data
This data is open data sourced from Active Places Power and licenced under the Active Places Open Data Licence.
toid | osgb1000042175613 |
Created On | 30th Jun 2004 |
Audited On | 4th Oct 2022 |
Checked On | 4th Oct 2022 |