Laburnum Recreation Ground - Bognor Regis

Laburnum Recreation Ground is located in Bognor Regis (PO22).

AddressDurlston Drive, Bognor Regis, PO22 9DH
Management TypeNot Known
Management GroupNot Known
Owner TypeLocal Authority
Owner GroupLocal Authority
Education PhaseNot Known


Grass Pitches

AccessibilityPay and Play
Management TypeTrust
Year Built1990
Changing RoomsYes
Date Record Checked11th Apr 2023
Opening TimesDawn To Dusk

Facility specifics


Disabled access

Disabled AccessYes
Finding/Reaching EntranceYes
Activity AreasYes
Emergency ExitsYes


Contact TypeEnquiries
Email[email protected]
Telephone01903 737966

Disabled access

Disabled access for Laburnum Recreation Ground

Disabled AccessYes
Finding/Reaching EntranceYes
Activity AreasYes
Emergency ExitsYes

Where is Laburnum Recreation Ground?

Sub Building Name
Building Name
Building Number0
Dependent Thoroughfare
Thoroughfare NameDurlston Drive
Double Dependent Locality
Dependent Locality
PostTownBognor Regis
PostcodePO22 9DH

Laburnum Recreation Ground on a map

Laburnum Recreation Ground map (PO22 9DH) - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)

Laburnum Recreation Ground geodata

Local Authority NameArun
Local Authority CodeE07000224
Parliamentary Constituency NameBognor Regis and Littlehampton
Parliamentary Constituency CodeE14000576
Region NameSouth East
Region CodeE15000008
Ward NameBersted
Ward CodeE05009806
Output Area CodeE00160139

About this data

This data is open data sourced from Active Places Power and licenced under the Active Places Open Data Licence.

Created On10th Feb 2014
Audited On11th Apr 2023
Checked On11th Apr 2023