Bentham Country Club (Closed) - Witcombe

Bentham Country Club (Closed) is located in Witcombe, Gloucester (GL3).

AddressBentham Lane, Witcombe, Gloucester, GL3 4UD
Car ParkYes
Car Park Capacity126
Management TypeCommercial Management
Management GroupCommercial
Owner TypeCommercial
Owner GroupCommercial
Education PhaseNot applicable
Closure Date16th Mar 2020
Closure ReasonStrategic Review - facility/site not being replaced


Indoor Tennis Centre

Closure Date16th Mar 2020
Closure ReasonStrategic Review - facility/site not being replaced
AccessibilitySports Club / Community Association
Management TypeCommercial Management
Year Built2007
Changing RoomsYes
Year Changing Rooms Refurbished2009
Date Record Checked11th Jan 2022

Opening times

Access descriptionSports Club / Community Association
Opening time09:15
Closing time22:00
Period open forSaturday
Access descriptionSports Club / Community Association
Opening time10:00
Closing time23:00
Period open forSunday
Access descriptionSports Club / Community Association
Opening time09:00
Closing time23:00
Period open forMonday-Friday

Facility specifics

Surface TypeMacadam

Disabled access

Disabled AccessYes
Finding/Reaching EntranceYes
Reception AreaYes
Activity AreasYes
Disabled ToiletsYes
Social AreasYes
Emergency ExitsYes

Sports Hall

Status NotesHoused within airhall.
Closure Date16th Mar 2020
Closure ReasonStrategic Review - facility/site not being replaced
AccessibilitySports Club / Community Association
Management TypeCommercial Management
Year Built1994
Changing RoomsYes
Year Changing Rooms Refurbished2009
Date Record Checked11th Jan 2022

Opening times

Access descriptionSports Club / Community Association
Opening time09:15
Closing time22:00
Period open forSaturday
Access descriptionSports Club / Community Association
Opening time10:00
Closing time19:00
Period open forSunday
Access descriptionSports Club / Community Association
Opening time12:00
Closing time22:30
Period open forMonday-Friday

Facility specifics

Floor MattingDon't Know
Gymnastics Trampoline UseDon't Know
Moveable Balance ApparatusDon't Know
Moveable Large ApparatusDon't Know
Moveable Rebound ApparatusDon't Know
Moveable TrampolinesDon't Know
Small ApparatusDon't Know
Swinging and Hanging ApparatusDon't Know

Disabled access

Disabled AccessYes
Finding/Reaching EntranceYes
Reception AreaYes
Activity AreasYes
Disabled ToiletsYes
Social AreasYes
Emergency ExitsYes

Artificial Grass Pitch

Status NotesHoused within airhall.
Closure Date16th Mar 2020
Closure ReasonStrategic Review - facility/site not being replaced
AccessibilitySports Club / Community Association
Management TypeCommercial Management
Year Built1994
Year Refurbished2014
Changing RoomsYes
Year Changing Rooms Refurbished2009
Date Record Checked11th Jan 2022

Opening times

Access descriptionSports Club / Community Association
Opening time10:00
Closing time19:00
Period open forSunday
Access descriptionSports Club / Community Association
Opening time12:00
Closing time22:30
Period open forMonday-Friday

Facility specifics

FillYes - Rubber
Pile Length30mm
WR22 Compliant PitchNo

Disabled access

Disabled AccessYes
Finding/Reaching EntranceYes
Reception AreaYes
Activity AreasYes
Disabled ToiletsYes
Social AreasYes
Emergency ExitsYes


Contact TypeEnquiries
Email[email protected]
Telephone01452 864157

Disabled access

Disabled access for Bentham Country Club (Closed)

Disabled AccessYes
Finding/Reaching EntranceYes
Reception AreaYes
Activity AreasYes
Disabled ToiletsYes
Social AreasYes
Emergency ExitsYes

Where is Bentham Country Club (Closed)?

Sub Building Name
Building Name
Building Number0
Dependent Thoroughfare
Thoroughfare NameBENTHAM LANE
Double Dependent Locality
Dependent LocalityWITCOMBE
PostcodeGL3 4UD

Bentham Country Club (Closed) on a map

Bentham Country Club (Closed) map (GL3 4UD) - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)

Bentham Country Club (Closed) geodata

Local Authority NameTewkesbury
Local Authority CodeE07000083
Parliamentary Constituency NameTewkesbury
Parliamentary Constituency CodeE14000990
Region NameSouth West
Region CodeE15000009
Ward NameBadgeworth
Ward CodeE05012064
Output Area CodeE00113977

About this data

This data is open data sourced from Active Places Power and licenced under the Active Places Open Data Licence.

Created On31st Jan 2005
Audited On4th Jun 2021
Checked On4th Jun 2021