The Mews (Metropolitan House) data

The Mews is located in Metropolitan House, Potters Bar and falls under the local authority of Shropshire. This mixed-sex school has 5 pupils, with a capacity of 20, aged from eleven up to eighteen, and the type of establishment is other independent special school. The most recend Ofsted inspection was 9th February 2023 resulting in an good rating.

The Mews contact details

AddressThe Mews
C/O Cambian Education
Metropolitan House
3 Darkes Lane
Potters Bar
HeadteacherMiss Tonia Lewis

About The Mews

Phase of EducationNot applicable
Type of EstablishmentOther independent special school
Admissions PolicyNot applicable
Statutory Low Age11
Statutory High Age18
BoardersNo boarders
Official Sixth FormNot applicable
Religious CharacterNone
DioceseNot applicable
Special ClassesNot applicable


Census Date20th January 2022
School Capacity20
Number of Pupils525% capacity
Number of Girls5
Free School Meals (%)0.00%

Where is The Mews?

Street AddressC/O Cambian Education
LocalityMetropolitan House
Address 33 Darkes Lane
TownPotters Bar
PostcodeEN6 1AG
➜ More EN6 1AG open data

The Mews on a map

The Mews map (EN6 1AG) - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)


Ofsted Last Inspection9th February 2023
Ofsted RatingGood
Ofsted Special MeasuresNot applicable

The Mews administrative data

Establishment NameThe Mews
Establishment Number6034
Unique Reference Number145468
Local AuthorityShropshire
Local Authority Code893
Previous Local Authority Code999
Government Statistical Service Local Authority CodeE06000051
Government Office RegionWest Midlands
District CodeE07000098
WardPotters Bar Parkfield
Parliamentary ConstituencyHertsmere
Urban/Rural Description(England/Wales) Urban city and town
Middle Super Output AreaHertsmere 001
Lower Super Output AreaHertsmere 001B

The Mews history

Establishment StatusOpen
Last Changed Date2nd January 2024
Reason Establishment OpenedNew Provision
Open Date15th May 2018

Pupil Referral Unit

Teenage MothersNot applicable
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Provision in Primary Care UnitNot applicable
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Provides for Educational and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD)Not applicable

Special Educational Needs

Section 41 ApprovedNot approved


Trust flagNot applicable
School Sponsor flagNot applicable


Federation flagNot applicable

Further Education/Higher Education

UK Provider Reference Number10079411

The Mews geodata


Nearest schools to The Mews

SchoolPhase of EducationDistance
Chase House School
C/O Cambian Education, 5th Floor Metropolitan House, 3 Darkes lane, Potters Bar, EN6 1AG
Not applicable0m
The Orchard School
Orchard School, C/O Metropolitan House, 3 Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 1AG
Not applicable0m
Cambian Walnut Tree Lodge School
Renhold Road, Wilden, Bedford, MK44 2PT
Not applicable0m
Cranborne Primary School
Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, EN6 2BA
Ladbrooke Junior Mixed and Infant School
Watkins Rise, Potters Bar, EN6 1QB
Pope Paul Catholic Primary School
Baker Street, Potters Bar, EN6 2ES
Mount Grace School
Church Road, Potters Bar, EN6 1EZ
Lochinver House School
Heath Road, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, Potters Bar, EN6 1LW
Not applicable1.1km
Dame Alice Owen's School
Dugdale Hill Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 2DU
Elysium Healthcare Potters Bar Clinic School
Barnet Road, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, Potters Bar, EN6 2SE
Not applicable1.5km