Rosemead Preparatory School (London) data

Rosemead Preparatory School is located in London and falls under the local authority of Lambeth. This mixed-sex school has 285 pupils, with a capacity of 400, aged from three up to eleven, and the type of establishment is other independent school.

Rosemead Preparatory School contact details

AddressRosemead Preparatory School
70 Thurlow Park Road
SE21 8HZ
HeadmasterMr Graeme McCafferty

About Rosemead Preparatory School

Phase of EducationNot applicable
Type of EstablishmentOther independent school
Admissions PolicyNot applicable
Statutory Low Age3
Statutory High Age11
BoardersNo boarders
Boarding EstablishmentDoes not have boarders
Official Sixth FormDoes not have a sixth form
Religious CharacterNone
DioceseNot applicable
Special ClassesNo Special Classes


Census Date20th January 2022
School Capacity400
Number of Pupils28571% capacity
Number of Boys14451%
Number of Girls14149%
Free School Meals (%)0.0%

Where is Rosemead Preparatory School?

Street Address70 Thurlow Park Road
PostcodeSE21 8HZ
➜ More SE21 8HZ open data

Rosemead Preparatory School on a map

Rosemead Preparatory School map (SE21 8HZ) - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)


Ofsted Special MeasuresNot applicable

Rosemead Preparatory School administrative data

Establishment NameRosemead Preparatory School
Establishment Number6151
Unique Reference Number100645
Local AuthorityLambeth
Local Authority Code208
Previous Local Authority Code999
Government Statistical Service Local Authority CodeE09000022
Government Office RegionLondon
District CodeE09000022
WardSt Martin's
Parliamentary ConstituencyDulwich and West Norwood
Urban/Rural Description(England/Wales) Urban major conurbation
Middle Super Output AreaLambeth 028
Lower Super Output AreaLambeth 028D

Rosemead Preparatory School history

Establishment StatusOpen
Last Changed Date27th November 2023
Reason Establishment OpenedNot applicable
Open Date10th February 1975
Reason Establishment ClosedNot applicable

Pupil Referral Unit

Teenage MothersNot applicable
Child Care FacilitiesNot applicable
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Provision in Primary Care UnitNot applicable
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Provides for Educational and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD)Not applicable
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Offers Tuition by Another ProviderNot applicable

Special Educational Needs

Section 41 ApprovedNot approved


Trust flagNot applicable
School Sponsor flagNot applicable


Federation flagNot applicable

Further Education/Higher Education

UK Provider Reference Number10077627
Further Education TypeNot applicable

Rosemead Preparatory School geodata


Nearest schools to Rosemead Preparatory School

SchoolPhase of EducationDistance
The Elmgreen School
Elmcourt Road, Tulse Hill, London, SE27 9BZ
Oakfield Preparatory School
125-128 Thurlow Park Road, London, SE21 8HP
Not applicable437m
Rosendale Primary School
Rosendale Road, West Dulwich, London, SE21 8LR
Turney Primary and Secondary Special School
Turney Road, London, SE21 8LX
Not applicable880m
St Martin in the Fields High School for Girls
155 Tulse Hill, London, SW2 3UP
Elm Wood School
Carnac Street, West Norwood, London, SE27 9RR
Dulwich College
Dulwich Common, Dulwich, London, SE21 7LD
Not applicable969m
Julian's School
16 Wolfington Road, West Norwood, London, SE27 0JF
Fenstanton Primary School
Abbots Park, Tulse Hill, London, SW2 3PW
City Heights E-ACT Academy
33 Abbots Park, Tulse Hill, London, SW2 3PW