City of London Academy Islington data

City of London Academy Islington is located in Islington, London and falls under the local authority of Islington. This mixed-sex secondary school has 897 pupils, with a capacity of 805, aged from eleven up to eighteen, and the type of establishment is academy sponsor led. The school has 53 teachers with each teacher on average earning the full-time equivalent of £42,975. The most recend Ofsted inspection was 14th March 2019 resulting in an outstanding rating.

City of London Academy Islington contact details

AddressCity of London Academy Islington
Prebend Street
N1 8PQ
PrincipalMs Sonia Jacob

About City of London Academy Islington

Phase of EducationSecondary
Type of EstablishmentAcademy sponsor led
Admissions PolicyNon-selective
Statutory Low Age11
Statutory High Age18
BoardersNo boarders
Official Sixth FormHas a sixth form
Religious CharacterDoes not apply
DioceseNot applicable
Special ClassesNo Special Classes


Census Date19th January 2023
School Capacity805
Number of Pupils897111% capacity
Number of Boys47753%
Number of Girls42047%
Free School Meals (%)53.80%

Where is City of London Academy Islington?

Street AddressPrebend Street
PostcodeN1 8PQ
➜ More N1 8PQ open data

City of London Academy Islington on a map

City of London Academy Islington map (N1 8PQ) - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)


Ofsted RegionLondon

City of London Academy Islington Ofsted Report

This table compares the City of London Academy Islington Ofsted reports from 13th March 2019 (10058970) and 6th March 2014 (ITS440653).

Inspection number10058970ITS440653
Inspection typeS5 Inspection
Inspection type groupingS5 Inspection
Event type groupingSchools - S5
Inspection start date13th March 20196th March 2014
Inspection end date14th March 20197th March 2014
Publication date4th April 201928th March 2014
Overall effectiveness
Effectiveness of leadership and management
Early years provision (where applicable)
No Judgement
No Judgement
Ofsted Last Inspection14th March 2019
Ofsted RatingOutstanding
Ofsted Special MeasuresNot applicable

Teachers at City of London Academy Islington

Total Number of Teachers53
Total Number of Teachers (Full-Time Equivalent)52.6
Total Number of Teaching Assistants8
Total Number of Teaching Assistants (Full-Time Equivalent)7.9
Total Number of Non Classroom-based School Support Staff24
Total Number of Non Classroom-based School Support Staff (Full-Time Equivalent)22.8
Pupil:Teacher Ratio12.8
Mean Gross Full-Time Equivalent Salary of All Teachers£42,975

City of London Academy Islington administrative data

Establishment NameCity of London Academy Islington
Establishment Number6906
Unique Reference Number135587
Local AuthorityIslington
Local Authority Code206
Previous Local Authority Code999
Government Statistical Service Local Authority CodeE09000019
Government Office RegionLondon
District CodeE09000019
WardSt Mary's & St James'
Parliamentary ConstituencyIslington South and Finsbury
Urban/Rural Description(England/Wales) Urban major conurbation
Middle Super Output AreaIslington 018
Lower Super Output AreaIslington 018E

City of London Academy Islington history

Establishment StatusOpen
Last Changed Date16th January 2024
Reason Establishment OpenedNew Provision
Open Date1st September 2008
Reason Establishment ClosedNot applicable

Pupil Referral Unit

Teenage MothersNot applicable
Child Care FacilitiesNot applicable
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Provision in Primary Care UnitNot applicable
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Provides for Educational and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD)Not applicable
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Offers Tuition by Another ProviderNot applicable

Special Educational Needs

Section 41 ApprovedNot applicable


Trust flagSupported by a multi-academy trust
School Sponsor flagLinked to a sponsor
School SponsorCity of London Academies Trust


Federation flagNot applicable

Further Education/Higher Education

UK Provider Reference Number10024134
Further Education TypeNot applicable

City of London Academy Islington geodata


Nearest schools to City of London Academy Islington

SchoolPhase of EducationDistance
Richard Cloudesley School
Tudor Rose Building, 1 Prebend Street, London, N1 8RE
Not applicable63m
Hanover Primary School
Noel Road, Islington, London, N1 8BD
St Mary's CofE Primary School
Fowler Road, Islington, London, N1 2EP
The New North Academy
32 Popham Road, Islington, London, N1 8SJ
St John Evangelist RC Primary School
Duncan Street, Islington High Street, London, N1 8BL
Thomas Fairchild Community School
Forston Street, Hoxton, London, N1 7HA
Rotherfield Primary School
Rotherfield Street, Islington, London, N1 3EE
The ArtsXchange
City Road, London, EC1V 1JX
Not applicable674m
William Tyndale Primary School
Upper Street, London, N1 2GG
New River College Primary
Cloudesley Square, London, N1 0HN
Not applicable814m