Beis Yaakov High School (Bury New Road) data

Beis Yaakov High School is located in Bury New Road, Salford and falls under the local authority of Salford. The school's religious denomination is Jewish. This girls only secondary school has 309 pupils, with a capacity of 275, aged from eleven up to sixteen, and the type of establishment is academy converter. The school has 52 teachers with each teacher on average earning the full-time equivalent of £31,044. The most recend Ofsted inspection was 14th September 2022 resulting in an special measures rating.

Beis Yaakov High School contact details

AddressBeis Yaakov High School
69 Broom Lane
Bury New Road
Greater Manchester
M7 4FF
Head TeacherRabbi Nissan Wilson

About Beis Yaakov High School

Phase of EducationSecondary
Type of EstablishmentAcademy converter
Admissions PolicyNon-selective
Statutory Low Age11
Statutory High Age16
BoardersNo boarders
Official Sixth FormDoes not have a sixth form
Religious CharacterJewish
DioceseNot applicable
Special ClassesHas Special Classes


Census Date19th January 2023
School Capacity275
Number of Pupils309112% capacity
Number of Girls309
Free School Meals (%)2.30%

Where is Beis Yaakov High School?

Street Address69 Broom Lane
LocalityBury New Road
CountyGreater Manchester
PostcodeM7 4FF
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Beis Yaakov High School on a map

Beis Yaakov High School map (M7 4FF) - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)


Ofsted Last Inspection14th September 2022
Ofsted RatingSpecial Measures
Ofsted Special MeasuresNot applicable

Teachers at Beis Yaakov High School

Total Number of Teachers52
Total Number of Teachers (Full-Time Equivalent)30.2
Total Number of Teaching Assistants6
Total Number of Teaching Assistants (Full-Time Equivalent)2.8
Total Number of Non Classroom-based School Support Staff13
Total Number of Non Classroom-based School Support Staff (Full-Time Equivalent)7.5
Pupil:Teacher Ratio9.2
Mean Gross Full-Time Equivalent Salary of All Teachers£31,044

Beis Yaakov High School administrative data

Establishment NameBeis Yaakov High School
Establishment Number4018
Unique Reference Number138698
Local AuthoritySalford
Local Authority Code355
Previous Local Authority Code999
Government Statistical Service Local Authority CodeE08000006
Government Office RegionNorth West
District CodeE08000006
WardKersal & Broughton Park
Parliamentary ConstituencyBlackley and Broughton
Urban/Rural Description(England/Wales) Urban major conurbation
Middle Super Output AreaSalford 010
Lower Super Output AreaSalford 010C

Beis Yaakov High School history

Establishment StatusOpen
Last Changed Date14th November 2023
Reason Establishment OpenedAcademy Converter
Open Date1st September 2012

Pupil Referral Unit

Teenage MothersNot applicable
Child Care FacilitiesNot applicable
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Provision in Primary Care UnitNot applicable
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Provides for Educational and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD)Not applicable
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Offers Tuition by Another ProviderNot applicable

Special Educational Needs

Section 41 ApprovedNot applicable


Trust flagSupported by a single-academy trust
School Sponsor flag-


Federation flagNot applicable

Further Education/Higher Education

UK Provider Reference Number10037934
Further Education TypeNot applicable

Beis Yaakov High School geodata


Nearest schools to Beis Yaakov High School

SchoolPhase of EducationDistance
Brentnall Academy
Northumberland Street, Higher Broughton, Salford, M7 4RP
Etz Chaim Boys School
458 Bury New Road, Salford, M7 4LJ
Not applicable213m
Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary School
Legh Road, Salford, M7 4RT
Beis Malka Girls school
399-401 Bury New Road, Salford, M7 2BT
Not applicable321m
Talmud Torah Yetev Lev
393-395 Bury New Road, Salford, M7 2BT
Not applicable321m
Talmud Torah Chinuch Norim School
11 Wellington Street East, Salford, Manchester, M7 2AU
Not applicable346m
Beis Rochel Mcr Girls school ltd
315-317 Great clowes st, Salford, M7 2FZ
Not applicable376m
Aim Habonim
51 Rigby Street, Salford, M7 4NX
Not applicable378m
Beis Hatalmud School
62 Wellington Street West, Broughton, Salford, M7 2FD
Not applicable396m
Toras Moshe
12 Wellington Street East, salford, M7 2AX
Not applicable397m