RG26 4AD maps, stats, and open data


RG26 4AD is located in the Tadley North, Kingsclere & Baughurst electoral ward, within the local authority district of Basingstoke and Deane and the English Parliamentary constituency of North West Hampshire. The Sub Integrated Care Board (ICB) Location is NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB - D9Y0V and the police force is Hampshire. This postcode has been in use since June 2022.

RG26 4AD geodata


Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

Where is RG26 4AD?

Postcode DistrictRG26

➜ See where RG26 is on a map
➜ Where is Tadley?


WardTadley North, Kingsclere & Baughurst
ConstituencyNorth West Hampshire


Nearest bus stops to RG26 4AD

Falcon Fields (A340 Mulfords Hill)Brimpton Common77m
Falcon Fields (A340 Mulfords Hill)Brimpton Common86m
Fire Station (Franklin Avenue)Tadley175m
Silchester Road (Mulfords Hill)Tadley204m
Silchester Road (Mulfords Hill)Tadley262m

Nearest railway stations to RG26 4AD

Midgham Station4.8km
Aldermaston Station4.9km

Source: NaPTAN
Licence: Open Government Licence


58.5% of English postcodes are less deprived than RG26 4AD:

Food Standards Agency

Three nearest food hygiene ratings to RG26 4AD (metres)

Tadley Local Premier
Food Hygiene Rating: 3 (Generally Satisfactory)
1B Aldermaston Road
Lidl Great Britain Limited
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
The Old Treacle Mine Aldermaston Road
The New Dynasty
Food Hygiene Rating: 3 (Generally Satisfactory)
70 Franklin Avenue

➜ Get more ratings from the Food Standards Agency

Nearest post box to RG26 4AD

 Last Collection 
Franklin Avenue16:3007:00263m
Priors Road16:1507:00311m
Mulford Hill Post Office17:1510:45554m

RG26 4AD ITL and RG26 4AD LAU

The below table lists the International Territorial Level (ITL) codes (formerly Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) codes) and Local Administrative Units (LAU) codes for RG26 4AD:

ITL 1 CodeName
TLJSouth East (England)
ITL 2 CodeName
TLJ3Hampshire and Isle of Wight
ITL 3 CodeName
TLJ37North Hampshire
LAU 1 CodeName
E07000084Basingstoke and Deane

RG26 4AD census areas

The below table lists the Census Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), and Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) for RG26 4AD:

LSOAE01022556Basingstoke and Deane 001D
MSOAE02004675Basingstoke and Deane 001

Nearest postcodes to RG26 4AD

RG26 4PWBoundary Place43m
RG26 4PUPenney Way81m
RG26 4PXRoyal Gardens91m
RG26 4PYCounty Drive104m
RG26 4QHAldermaston Road107m
RG26 4PZThe Den167m
RG26 4QFAlmswood Road172m
RG26 4FFFalcon Fields174m
RG26 4HWMeon Close182m
RG26 4QEAlmswood Road211m