NE99 1GU maps, stats, and open data


NE99 1GU is located in the Monument electoral ward, within the metropolitan district of Newcastle upon Tyne and the English Parliamentary constituency of Newcastle upon Tyne Central. The Sub Integrated Care Board (ICB) Location is NHS North East and North Cumbria ICB - 13T and the police force is Northumbria. This postcode has been in use since June 1996.

NE99 1GU maps

NE99 1GU map - OS OpenMap – Local (Ordnance Survey)
NE99 1GU map - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS OpenMap – Local (Ordnance Survey)
Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)

NE99 1GU geodata


Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

Where is NE99 1GU?

Postcode DistrictNE99

➜ Where is Newcastle upon Tyne?

NE99 1GU Elevation

Elevation or altitude of NE99 1GU as distance above sea level:


Elevation is measured from the approximate centre of the postcode, to the nearest point on an OS contour line from OS Terrain 50, which has contour spacing of ten vertical metres.

➜ How high above sea level am I? Find the elevation of your current position using your device's GPS.


ConstituencyNewcastle Upon Tyne Central


Nearest bus stops to NE99 1GU

The CloseNewcastle Upon Tyne185m
Newcastle (Neville Street)Newcastle Upon Tyne212m
Central Stn Neville St (A186)Newcastle Upon Tyne213m
Central Stn Neville St (A186)Newcastle Upon Tyne213m
Newcastle Rail Station (Neville Street)Newcastle Upon Tyne216m

Nearest underground/metro/tram to NE99 1GU

Central Station (Tyne And Wear Metro Station) (Neville Street)Newcastle Upon Tyne190m
Monument (Tyne And Wear Metro Station) (Blackett Street)Newcastle Upon Tyne703m
St James (Tyne And Wear Metro Station) (Strawberry Place)Newcastle Upon Tyne818m
Manors (Tyne And Wear Metro Station) (Argyll Street)Manors995m
Gateshead (Tyne And Wear Metro Station) (Bensham Road)Gateshead1,000m

Nearest railway stations to NE99 1GU

Newcastle Station0.2km
Manors Station0.9km
Dunston Station2.6km

Source: NaPTAN
Licence: Open Government Licence


76.5% of English postcodes are less deprived than NE99 1GU:

Food Standards Agency

Three nearest food hygiene ratings to NE99 1GU (metres)

The Boiler Shop
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
The Boiler Shop Stephensons Works 20 South Street
Burger King
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
Burger King Newcastle Central Railway Station Neville Street
Cafe Local
Food Hygiene Rating: Awaiting Inspection
Cafe Local Newcastle Central Railway Station Neville Street

➜ Get more ratings from the Food Standards Agency

Nearest post box to NE99 1GU

 Last Collection 
South Street19:3053m
South Street Service Centre19:3011:3053m
Forth Street18:3011:30176m

NE99 1GU ITL and NE99 1GU LAU

The below table lists the International Territorial Level (ITL) codes (formerly Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) codes) and Local Administrative Units (LAU) codes for NE99 1GU:

ITL 1 CodeName
TLCNorth East (England)
ITL 2 CodeName
TLC2Northumberland, and Tyne and Wear
ITL 3 CodeName
LAU 1 CodeName
E08000021Newcastle upon Tyne

NE99 1GU census areas

The below table lists the Census Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), and Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) for NE99 1GU:

LSOAE01033545Newcastle upon Tyne 024H
MSOAE02001731Newcastle upon Tyne 024

Nearest postcodes to NE99 1GU

NE1 3AGHanover Street143m
NE1 3ABHanover Street156m
NE1 3ADHanover Street174m
NE1 3SGForth Banks202m
NE1 3NHClavering Place222m
NE1 1SEWestgate Road229m
NE1 3NG231m
NE1 3RJClose240m
NE1 3PNForth Banks243m
NE1 3RHSkinnerburn Road244m