M16 0TP maps, stats, and open data


M16 0TP is located in the Longford electoral ward, within the metropolitan district of Trafford and the English Parliamentary constituency of Stretford and Urmston. The Sub Integrated Care Board (ICB) Location is NHS Greater Manchester ICB - 02A and the police force is Greater Manchester. This postcode has been in use since July 2017.

M16 0TP maps

M16 0TP map - OS OpenMap – Local (Ordnance Survey)
M16 0TP map - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS OpenMap – Local (Ordnance Survey)
Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)

M16 0TP geodata


Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

Where is M16 0TP?

Postcode DistrictM16

➜ See where M16 is on a map
➜ Where is Old Trafford?


ConstituencyStretford And Urmston


Nearest bus stops to M16 0TP

Kings Road/Warwick Road South (Kings Road)Firswood107m
Kings Road/Warwick Road South (Kings Road)Firswood131m
Kings Road/Woodstock Road (Kings Road)Firswood242m
The Quadrant/Greatstone Road (The Quadrant)Firswood261m
The Quadrant/Greatstone Road (The Quadrant)Firswood349m

Nearest underground/metro/tram to M16 0TP

Old Trafford (Manchester Metrolink) (Trafford Park Road)Old Trafford240m
Firswood Station (Manchester Metrolink) (Rye Bank Road)Firswood515m
Trafford Bar (Manchester Metrolink) (Seymour Grove)Trafford Bar951m
Pomona (Manchester Metrolink) (Pomona Strand)Salford Quays1,244m
Exchange Quay (Manchester Metrolink) (Exchange Quay)Salford Quays1,429m

Nearest railway stations to M16 0TP

Manchester United FC Station1km
Trafford Park Station1.8km
Humphrey Park Station2.9km

Source: NaPTAN
Licence: Open Government Licence


Broadband access in M16 0TP (2020 data)

Percentage of properties with Next Generation Access100.0%
Percentage of properties with Superfast Broadband100.0%
Percentage of properties with Ultrafast Broadband0.0%
Percentage of properties with Full Fibre Broadband0.0%

Superfast Broadband is between 30Mbps and 300Mbps
Ultrafast Broadband is > 300Mbps

Broadband speed in M16 0TP (2019 data)


Median download speed39.1Mbps
Average download speed33.0Mbps
Maximum download speed55.00Mbps


Median upload speed7.8Mbps
Average upload speed5.5Mbps
Maximum upload speed9.67Mbps

Broadband limitations in M16 0TP (2020 data)

Percentage of properties unable to receive 2Mbps0.0%
Percentage of properties unable to receive 5Mbps0.0%
Percentage of properties unable to receive 10Mbps0.0%
Percentage of properties unable to receive 30Mbps0.0%

Source: Ofcom
Licence: Ofcom Terms of Use (requires attribution)


78.4% of English postcodes are less deprived than M16 0TP:

Food Standards Agency

Three nearest food hygiene ratings to M16 0TP (metres)

Amaryllis Pre-School
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
Kings Road Primary School
Kings Road Primary School
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
Kings Road Primary School
Playtime kids Club
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
C/o Kings Road Primary School

➜ Get more ratings from the Food Standards Agency

Nearest post box to M16 0TP

 Last Collection 
Greatstone Road P.o.17:3012:00290m
94 Warick Road South17:3012:00370m
Seymour Grove17:3012:00580m

M16 0TP ITL and M16 0TP LAU

The below table lists the International Territorial Level (ITL) codes (formerly Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) codes) and Local Administrative Units (LAU) codes for M16 0TP:

ITL 1 CodeName
TLDNorth West (England)
ITL 2 CodeName
TLD3Greater Manchester
ITL 3 CodeName
TLD34Greater Manchester South West
LAU 1 CodeName

M16 0TP census areas

The below table lists the Census Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), and Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) for M16 0TP:

LSOAE01006145Trafford 004D
MSOAE02001262Trafford 004

Nearest postcodes to M16 0TP

M16 0JGWarwick Court101m
M16 0GZWarwick Road South102m
M16 0JEKings Road123m
M16 0GRKings Road129m
M16 0JHWilton Avenue139m
M16 9ALWarwick Road South142m
M16 0JFRutland Avenue143m
M16 0JDKings Road147m
M16 0JQKings Road184m
M16 0HHKings Road199m