LS14 6WR maps, stats, and open data


LS14 6WR is located in the Killingbeck & Seacroft electoral ward, within the metropolitan district of Leeds and the English Parliamentary constituency of Leeds East. The Sub Integrated Care Board (ICB) Location is NHS West Yorkshire ICB - 15F and the police force is West Yorkshire. This postcode has been in use since May 2018.

LS14 6WR maps

LS14 6WR map - large scale - OS Open Zoomstack (Ordnance Survey)
LS14 6WR map - small scale - OS Open Zoomstack (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS Open Zoomstack (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)
Attribution: Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)
Attribution: Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025; Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025; Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0

LS14 6WR geodata


Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

Where is LS14 6WR?

Postcode DistrictLS14

➜ See where LS14 is on a map
➜ Where is Leeds?


WardKillingbeck & Seacroft
ConstituencyLeeds East


Nearest bus stops to LS14 6WR

York Road Seacroft Hospital (York Road)Killingbeck379m
York Rd Cemetery (York Road)Killingbeck406m
York Rd Cemetery (York Road)Killingbeck408m
York Road Seacroft Hospital (York Road)Killingbeck410m
York Rd Bridle Path Walk (York Road)Killingbeck492m

Nearest railway stations to LS14 6WR

Cross Gates Station1.3km

Source: NaPTAN
Licence: Open Government Licence


Broadband access in LS14 6WR (2020 data)

Percentage of properties with Next Generation Access98.4%
Percentage of properties with Superfast Broadband98.4%
Percentage of properties with Ultrafast Broadband93.8%
Percentage of properties with Full Fibre Broadband92.2%

Superfast Broadband is between 30Mbps and 300Mbps
Ultrafast Broadband is > 300Mbps

Broadband limitations in LS14 6WR (2020 data)

Percentage of properties unable to receive 2Mbps0.0%
Percentage of properties unable to receive 5Mbps0.0%
Percentage of properties unable to receive 10Mbps0.0%
Percentage of properties unable to receive 30Mbps0.0%

Source: Ofcom
Licence: Ofcom Terms of Use (requires attribution)


82.3% of English postcodes are less deprived than LS14 6WR:

Food Standards Agency

Three nearest food hygiene ratings to LS14 6WR (metres)

Mitie At The Newsam Centre
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
Newsam Centre
Seacroft Hospital
Food Hygiene Rating: 5 (Very Good)
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
RADU (Seacroft Hospital)
Food Hygiene Rating: Exempt
Seacroft Hospital

➜ Get more ratings from the Food Standards Agency

Nearest post box to LS14 6WR

 Last Collection 
Seacroft Hospital17:4513:00382m
Foundry Lane P.o.17:3012:00522m

LS14 6WR ITL and LS14 6WR LAU

The below table lists the International Territorial Level (ITL) codes (formerly Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) codes) and Local Administrative Units (LAU) codes for LS14 6WR:

ITL 1 CodeName
TLEYorkshire and The Humber
ITL 2 CodeName
TLE4West Yorkshire
ITL 3 CodeName
LAU 1 CodeName

LS14 6WR census areas

The below table lists the Census Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), and Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) for LS14 6WR:

LSOAE01011341Leeds 061A
MSOAE02002390Leeds 061

Nearest postcodes to LS14 6WR

LS14 6AGRye Place248m
LS14 6AFWatson Road346m
LS14 6AQCollin Road361m
LS14 6XAParkway Vale411m
LS14 6AJSutton Crescent432m
LS14 6AAYork Road444m
LS14 6BDSomerville View459m
LS15 7UDLong Field Drive471m
LS15 7QWPrimrose Crescent487m
LS15 7RAPrimrose Lane493m