BD6 is in the county of West Yorkshire. It is 4km south-west of the city of Bradford, and contains Buttershaw, Wibsey, Woodside, Wibsey Slack, and Brownroyd Hill. BD6 is a postcode district, also known as an outcode or outbound code.
The below map shows where BD6 is, and the boundary of the BD6 postcode district:
Postal Boundaries © GEOLYTIX copyright and database right 2012
Source: GEOLYTIX Postal Geometries
Licence: GeoLytix OpenData Licence Terms and Conditions
BD6 is in the county of West Yorkshire.
This data was derived from the below datasets:
Source: GEOLYTIX Postal Geometries
Licence: GeoLytix OpenData Licence Terms and Conditions
Source: Ordnance Survey Ceremonial Counties
Licence: Open Government Licence
Buttershaw | Suburb |
Wibsey | Suburb |
Woodside | Suburb |
Wibsey Slack | Suburb |
Brownroyd Hill | Suburb |
Horton Bank Top | Suburb |
Haycliffe Hill | Suburb |
Slack Side | Suburb |
Beck Hill | Suburb |
Truncliffe | Suburb |
Source: Ordnance Survey Open Names
Licence: Open Government Licence
Position of BD6 relative to nearby towns. Distance is measured from the centre of BD6 to the centre of the town.
Source: Ordnance Survey Open Names
Licence: Open Government Licence
Position of BD6 relative to nearby cities. Distance is measured from the centre of BD6 to the centre of the city.
Source: Ordnance Survey Open Names
Licence: Open Government Licence