PL25 3RN Flood Risk Map

PL25 3RN is in a no flood risk area. The nearest medium flood risk area is 181 metres away in PL25 3RH. Map of PL25 3RN, surrounding postcodes, and their flood risks.

Important: We have taken a single point within PL25 3RN using Open Postcode Geo and identified the flood risk area which that point falls within. There maybe other points within the postcode which fall into a different area, and hence have a different risk level.

Nearest flood risk to PL25 3RN by risk level

Flood Risk Postcode Distance Flood Map
PL25 3RP496mPL25 3RP flood map
PL25 3RH181mPL25 3RH flood map
PL25 3HQ790mPL25 3HQ flood map
Very Low
TR1 1UT23.4kmTR1 1UT flood map

PL25 3RN geodata


Flood maps for places near PL25 3RN

Tregrehan Mills flood map734 m
Carlyon Bay flood map1.0 km
Bethel flood map1.1 km
Holmbush flood map1.4 km
Boscoppa flood map1.6 km
Charlestown flood map1.7 km
Sandy Bottom flood map1.7 km
Mount Charles flood map2.2 km
Duporth flood map2.3 km
Carclaze flood map2.5 km