NE21 5NP Flood Risk Map

NE21 5NP is in a no flood risk area. The nearest low flood risk area is 116 metres away in NE21 5TF. Map of NE21 5NP, surrounding postcodes, and their flood risks.

Important: We have taken a single point within NE21 5NP using Open Postcode Geo and identified the flood risk area which that point falls within. There maybe other points within the postcode which fall into a different area, and hence have a different risk level.

Nearest flood risk to NE21 5NP by risk level

Flood Risk Postcode Distance Flood Map
NE21 5TB915mNE21 5TB flood map
NE21 6JJ3kmNE21 6JJ flood map
NE21 5TF116mNE21 5TF flood map
Very Low
NE20 9EF10.6kmNE20 9EF flood map

NE21 5NP geodata


Flood maps for places near NE21 5NP

Swalwell flood map999 m
Blaydon Haughs flood map1.2 km
Derwent Haugh flood map1.3 km
Blaydon flood map1.5 km
Scotswood flood map1.7 km
Whickham flood map1.8 km
Winlaton Mill flood map1.8 km
Winlaton flood map1.8 km
Fellside flood map2.0 km
Paradise flood map2.3 km