HR2 0DJ Flood Risk Map

HR2 0DJ is in a no flood risk area. The nearest high flood risk area is 616 metres away in HR2 0UD. This map shows HR2 0DJ and HR2 0UD on one map.

Important: We have taken a single point within HR2 0DJ using Open Postcode Geo and identified the flood risk area which that point falls within. There maybe other points within the postcode which fall into a different area, and hence have a different risk level.

Nearest flood risk to HR2 0DJ by risk level

Flood Risk Postcode Distance Flood Map
HR2 0UD616mHR2 0UD flood map
HR2 0ES990mHR2 0ES flood map
HR4 7HZ16.4kmHR4 7HZ flood map
Very Low
HR6 8DU33.7kmHR6 8DU flood map

HR2 0DJ geodata


Flood maps for places near HR2 0DJ

Pontrilas flood map589 m
Callowside flood map1.1 km
Elmdale flood map1.1 km
Ewyas Harold flood map1.3 km
Llangua flood map1.5 km
Kentchurch flood map2.4 km
Howton flood map2.8 km
Dulas flood map2.9 km
Abbey Dore flood map3.2 km
Wormbridge flood map4.3 km