Sir Alexander Road (W3) crime reports, crime data, crime map

Data on 17 crime reports on or near Sir Alexander Road in W3. Crime map showing how Sir Alexander Road compares to neighbouring streets. Click a street for data on that street.

Month Location Crime Outcome
June 2022On or near Sir Alexander RoadRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Sir Alexander RoadVehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Sir Alexander RoadVehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Sir Alexander RoadAnti-social behaviour
January 2022On or near Sir Alexander RoadViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadAnti-social behaviour
August 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadBurglaryInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadAnti-social behaviour
May 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadVehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadRobberyStatus update unavailable
May 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadAnti-social behaviour
April 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
April 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadAnti-social behaviour
February 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadAnti-social behaviour
February 2021On or near Sir Alexander RoadAnti-social behaviour

Licence: Open Government Licence

Crime on streets near Sir Alexander Road

Click a street for that street's crime map:

Armstrong Road crime map784m
First Avenue crime map14109m
Ashfield Road crime map13114m
Second Avenue crime map46184m
Bromyard Avenue crime map45206m
Third Avenue crime map70209m
Sedgeford Road crime map25243m
Trinity Way crime map48294m
Wallflower Street crime map10302m
Bramble Gardens crime map16319m

More data for Sir Alexander Road

Use our postcode dashboards to find more data for these Sir Alexander Road postcodes:

Sir Alexander Road geodata


Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

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