Data on 29 crime reports on or near Rothwell Crescent in M38. Crime map showing how Rothwell Crescent compares to neighbouring streets. Click a street for data on that street.
Month | Location | Crime | Outcome |
Licence: Open Government Licence
Click a street for that street's crime map:
Street | Crimes | Distance |
Rothwell Lane crime map | 12 | 104m |
Clarke Crescent crime map | 4 | 183m |
Green Avenue crime map | 18 | 185m |
Oakfield Drive crime map | 15 | 252m |
Highgate Lane crime map | 17 | 291m |
Belcroft Drive crime map | 12 | 301m |
Lester Road crime map | 21 | 337m |
Mill Hill crime map | 74 | 340m |
Greenheys Road crime map | 26 | 347m |
Brookhurst Lane crime map | 64 | 377m |
Use our postcode dashboards to find more data for these Rothwell Crescent postcodes:
Latitude | 53.536250 |
Longitude | -2.437710 |
Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence
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