Data on 6 crime reports on or near Pemberton Row in EC4A. Crime map showing how Pemberton Row compares to neighbouring streets. Click a street for data on that street.
Month | Location | Crime | Outcome |
January 2022 | On or near Pemberton Row | Anti-social behaviour | |
October 2021 | On or near Pemberton Row | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
May 2021 | On or near Pemberton Row | Anti-social behaviour | |
May 2021 | On or near Pemberton Row | Anti-social behaviour | |
April 2021 | On or near Pemberton Row | Other theft | Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
April 2021 | On or near Pemberton Row | Anti-social behaviour |
Licence: Open Government Licence
Click a street for that street's crime map:
Street | Crimes | Distance |
Gough Square crime map | 5 | 40m |
East Harding Street crime map | 9 | 55m |
New Street Square crime map | 24 | 120m |
Lombard Lane crime map | 14 | 177m |
Bouverie Street crime map | 26 | 202m |
Shoe Lane crime map | 5 | 210m |
St Andrew Street crime map | 12 | 227m |
Bell Yard crime map | 21 | 258m |
Furnival Street crime map | 10 | 272m |
Bride Lane crime map | 73 | 272m |
Use our postcode dashboards to find more data for these Pemberton Row postcodes:
Latitude | 51.515170 |
Longitude | -0.108450 |
Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence
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