Little Newport Street (WC2H) crime reports, crime data, crime map

Data on 623 crime reports on or near Little Newport Street in WC2H. Crime map showing how Little Newport Street compares to neighbouring streets. Click a street for data on that street.

Month Location Crime Outcome
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesCourt result unavailable
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personCourt result unavailable
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyCourt result unavailable
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderStatus update unavailable
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderCourt result unavailable
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsCourt result unavailable
June 2022On or near Little Newport StreetBicycle theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesOffender given a caution
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesCourt result unavailable
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyCourt result unavailable
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderCourt result unavailable
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderCourt result unavailable
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsOffender given a caution
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
May 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesCourt result unavailable
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personLocal resolution
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personCourt result unavailable
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderStatus update unavailable
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderOffender given penalty notice
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderOffender given a caution
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2022On or near Little Newport StreetBurglaryInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesCourt result unavailable
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesCourt result unavailable
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personCourt result unavailable
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderStatus update unavailable
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderCourt result unavailable
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPossession of weaponsCourt result unavailable
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftStatus update unavailable
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsOffender given penalty notice
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsOffender given a caution
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetCriminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
March 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesCourt result unavailable
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesCourt result unavailable
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyCourt result unavailable
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderLocal resolution
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftStatus update unavailable
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsCourt result unavailable
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
February 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetPossession of weaponsInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetCriminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetBicycle theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
January 2022On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderStatus update unavailable
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderStatus update unavailable
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsCourt result unavailable
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetCriminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetBurglaryInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
December 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetVehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetCriminal damage and arsonCourt result unavailable
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
November 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personCourt result unavailable
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPossession of weaponsCourt result unavailable
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetCriminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetBurglaryInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
October 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesOffender given a caution
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderCourt result unavailable
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsCourt result unavailable
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetCriminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
September 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesLocal resolution
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyCourt result unavailable
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderStatus update unavailable
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsCourt result unavailable
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
August 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderOffender given a caution
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderCourt result unavailable
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
July 2021On or near Little Newport StreetBicycle theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesCourt result unavailable
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesCourt result unavailable
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetVehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetVehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderStatus update unavailable
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsOffender given a caution
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsCourt result unavailable
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsCourt result unavailable
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
June 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetPublic orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsOffender given penalty notice
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsCourt result unavailable
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetCriminal damage and arsonCourt result unavailable
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetBurglaryInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
May 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
April 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour
March 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2021On or near Little Newport StreetTheft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2021On or near Little Newport StreetDrugsLocal resolution
February 2021On or near Little Newport StreetCriminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2021On or near Little Newport StreetAnti-social behaviour

Licence: Open Government Licence

Crime on streets near Little Newport Street

Click a street for that street's crime map:

Great Newport Street crime map8980m
Litchfield Street crime map40123m
Lisle Street crime map100128m
West Street crime map65156m
Tower Street crime map16185m
Romilly Street crime map326188m
Garrick Street crime map44188m
New Row crime map72202m
Moor Street crime map391206m
Rose Street crime map49213m

More data for Little Newport Street

Use our postcode dashboards to find more data for these Little Newport Street postcodes:

Little Newport Street geodata


Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

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