Halbutt Gardens (RM9) crime reports, crime data, crime map

Data on 21 crime reports on or near Halbutt Gardens in RM9. Crime map showing how Halbutt Gardens compares to neighbouring streets. Click a street for data on that street.

Month Location Crime Outcome
June 2022On or near Halbutt GardensOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2022On or near Halbutt GardensAnti-social behaviour
June 2022On or near Halbutt GardensAnti-social behaviour
May 2022On or near Halbutt GardensAnti-social behaviour
March 2022On or near Halbutt GardensViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
March 2022On or near Halbutt GardensViolence and sexual offencesOffender given a caution
February 2022On or near Halbutt GardensViolence and sexual offencesCourt result unavailable
January 2022On or near Halbutt GardensVehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Halbutt GardensViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Halbutt GardensVehicle crimeStatus update unavailable
October 2021On or near Halbutt GardensVehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
October 2021On or near Halbutt GardensDrugsLocal resolution
September 2021On or near Halbutt GardensOther theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Halbutt GardensBurglaryInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
August 2021On or near Halbutt GardensAnti-social behaviour
July 2021On or near Halbutt GardensAnti-social behaviour
June 2021On or near Halbutt GardensViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
June 2021On or near Halbutt GardensViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
June 2021On or near Halbutt GardensViolence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailable
June 2021On or near Halbutt GardensViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Halbutt GardensVehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identified

Source: data.police.uk
Licence: Open Government Licence

Crime on streets near Halbutt Gardens

Click a street for that street's crime map:

Five Elms Road crime map2675m
Joyners Close crime map1197m
Elms Gardens crime map497m
Humphries Close crime map18137m
Connor Road crime map16144m
Boxoll Road crime map8161m
Thompson Road crime map25170m
Weylond Road crime map52193m
Weston Green crime map11193m
Winmill Road crime map27201m

More data for Halbutt Gardens

Use our postcode dashboards to find more data for these Halbutt Gardens postcodes:

Halbutt Gardens geodata


Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

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