Elvaston Mews (SW7) crime reports, crime data, crime map

Data on 7 crime reports on or near Elvaston Mews in SW7. Crime map showing how Elvaston Mews compares to neighbouring streets. Click a street for data on that street.

Month Location Crime Outcome
December 2021On or near Elvaston MewsViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
July 2021On or near Elvaston MewsBurglaryInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Elvaston MewsVehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
June 2021On or near Elvaston MewsDrugsLocal resolution
May 2021On or near Elvaston MewsViolence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
March 2021On or near Elvaston MewsDrugsInvestigation complete; no suspect identified
February 2021On or near Elvaston MewsRobberyInvestigation complete; no suspect identified

Source: data.police.uk
Licence: Open Government Licence

Crime on streets near Elvaston Mews

Click a street for that street's crime map:

Gore Street crime map2154m
Petersham Place crime map11119m
Petersham Mews crime map23149m
Petersham Lane crime map37199m
Kensington Gate crime map17239m
Kynance Place crime map46275m
Atherstone Mews crime map23282m
Prince Consort Road crime map21306m
Hyde Park Gate crime map29312m
Jay Mews crime map76315m

More data for Elvaston Mews

Use our postcode dashboards to find more data for these Elvaston Mews postcodes:

Elvaston Mews geodata


Source: Open Postcode Geo
Licence: Open Government Licence

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