Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch (London) data

Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch is located in London and falls under the local authority of Kensington and Chelsea. This mixed-sex school has 404 pupils, with a capacity of 497, aged from three up to nineteen, and the type of establishment is other independent school.

Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch contact details

AddressInstituto Espanol Canada Blanch
317 Portobello Road
W10 5SZ
HeadteacherMr Antonio

About Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch

Phase of EducationNot applicable
Type of EstablishmentOther independent school
Admissions PolicySelective
Statutory Low Age3
Statutory High Age19
BoardersNo boarders
Boarding EstablishmentDoes not have boarders
Official Sixth FormHas a sixth form
Religious CharacterNone
DioceseNot applicable
Special ClassesNo Special Classes


Census Date20th January 2022
School Capacity497
Number of Pupils40481% capacity
Number of Boys20450%
Number of Girls20050%

Where is Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch?

Street Address317 Portobello Road
PostcodeW10 5SZ
➜ More W10 5SZ open data

Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch on a map

Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch map (W10 5SZ) - OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)

Source: OS VectorMap District (Ordnance Survey)
Licence: Open Government Licence (requires attribution)


Ofsted Special MeasuresNot applicable

Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch administrative data

Establishment NameInstituto Espanol Canada Blanch
Establishment Number6305
Unique Reference Number100532
Local AuthorityKensington and Chelsea
Local Authority Code207
Previous Local Authority Code999
Government Statistical Service Local Authority CodeE09000020
Government Office RegionLondon
DistrictKensington and Chelsea
District CodeE09000020
Parliamentary ConstituencyKensington
Urban/Rural Description(England/Wales) Urban major conurbation
Middle Super Output AreaKensington and Chelsea 001
Lower Super Output AreaKensington and Chelsea 001D

Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch history

Establishment StatusOpen
Last Changed Date28th November 2023
Reason Establishment OpenedNot applicable
Open Date29th January 1980
Reason Establishment ClosedNot applicable

Pupil Referral Unit

Teenage MothersNot applicable
Child Care FacilitiesNot applicable
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Provision in Primary Care UnitNot applicable
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Provides for Educational and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD)Not applicable
Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) Offers Tuition by Another ProviderNot applicable

Special Educational Needs

Section 41 ApprovedNot approved


Trust flagNot applicable
School Sponsor flagNot applicable


Federation flagNot applicable

Further Education/Higher Education

UK Provider Reference Number10015997
Further Education TypeNot applicable

Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch geodata


Nearest schools to Instituto Espanol Canada Blanch

SchoolPhase of EducationDistance
Bevington Primary School
Bevington Road, London, W10 5TW
Golborne & Maxilla Nursery School
2a Bevington Road, North Kensington, London, W10 5TN
Chepstow House School
108a Lancaster Road, Notting Hill, London, W11 1QS
Not applicable314m
The Lloyd Williamson School Foundation
12 Telford Road, Ladbroke Grove, London, L, W10 5SH
Not applicable350m
St Thomas' CofE Primary School
Appleford Road, North Kensington, London, W10 5EF
Notting Hill Prep School
95 Lancaster Road, Notting Hill, London, W11 1QQ
Not applicable411m
All Saints Catholic College
75 St Charles Square, London, W10 6EL
St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College
74 St Charles Square, North Kensington, London, W10 6EY
16 plus452m
St Charles Catholic Primary School
83 St Charles Square, London, W10 6EB
The Stewart Bilingual School
90 Oxford Gardens, Oxford Gardens, W105UW, London, W10 5UW
Not applicable506m